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The Singapore Women's Weekly

What we’re all talking about this month.

Inspire Real Life

Inspire Real Life

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Celebrity Melody Chen opens up on her rollercoaster journey to finally conceiving her twins, and then another uphill trek when they were born just shy of 27 weeks.

Counting Their  Blessings

Counting Their Blessings

Young Parents

Against all hope, one mum is doing all she can to help her preemie twins – who have a host of developmental challenges – shine. She shares her story with EVELINE GAN.

Same but different

Same but different

Young Parents

Now that your twins are preschoolers, you’ll begin to see how different they are. Celebrate them as individuals, advises DR RICHARD C. WOOLFSON.

Same same but different

Same same but different


Identical twins Jun and Wen have been each other’s go-to for the last 31 years. They talk about what it’s like to never be alone.

“When do we not save him?’’

“When do we not save him?’’

Young Parents

Two families open up about the traumatic first few months of their babies who were born premature – and each weighing less than 1kg.

Our miracle babies

Our miracle babies

Young Parents

No heartbeat. No breathing. No chance of life. Meet the three kids who defied the odds at birth.

People couldn’t believe I had been pregnant with twins… the looks on their faces were priceless

People couldn’t believe I had been pregnant with twins… the looks on their faces were priceless

The Singapore Women's Weekly

This couple went to great lengths to conceal their pregnancy when they knew that their twins may not survive.

"Motherhood Has   Changed Me”

"Motherhood Has Changed Me”

The Singapore Women's Weekly

To celebrate Mother’s Day, The Weekly catches up with three celebrity mums to find out how having kids has changed their life’s perspectives.