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Feast Like A Masterchef!

Feast Like A Masterchef!

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Want to take your Lunar New Year feasting up a level this year?

Toasts To Tradition

Toasts To Tradition

The Singapore Women's Weekly

We asked chefs to share recipes for their favourite festive dishes and, of course, they had to put their own signature twists to them.



The Peak

Chefs get creative with popiah, tuna sashimi and Sichuan peppers at these three new restaurants.



Simply Her

Get the Year of the Rooster off to a bright, prosperous start with these CNY reunion recipes that use auspicious ingredients to usher in luck, prosperity and wealth to your life.

Hidden Beauties

Hidden Beauties

The Peak

How do you bowl over a food connoisseur? Eke unexpected flavours from everyday ingredients. Here, we spotlight familiar foods that have caught the attention of the most progressive palates: those of the chefs.

My Chinese New Year banquet

My Chinese New Year banquet

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Celebrity chef Kylie Kwong puts together for us a mouthwatering feast for a prosperous Lunar New Year.