The Lure Of Classic Cars

Modern automobiles can excite, but only a classic one can stir the soul of our senior writer.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Modern automobiles can excite, but only a classic one can stir the soul of our senior writer.

Curvaceous bodies and long bonnets – what’s not to like about classic cars?
Curvaceous bodies and long bonnets – what’s not to like about classic cars?

AUTOMOBILES have fascinated this petrolhead since I was a kid. Every car ride was an exciting journey, and every new vehicle I saw along the way was another model I memorised. Like most boys, I dreamt of being able to drive the newest Porsches, Ferraris and Lamborghinis. But in secondary school, I began to feel diff erent (and it wasn’t due to puberty). Suddenly, the latest vehicles did not seem as appealing to me as the cars from the 1950s to the 1970s.

So while my buddies were talking about the latest models, I was the odd dude who kept going on about fintails and generous chrome on the bodywork. I couldn’t explain my obsession back then, but now that I’m older and a bit wiser, I definitely can. The lure of a classic car comes from its history, which is not always easy to discover. A modern car, on the other hand, is easy to understand. Marketing managers give us press releases, while engineers at car launches tell us the technical nitty-gritty. There’s very little mystery.

The key to a wellmaintained classic is the key to this writer’s heart.
The key to a wellmaintained classic is the key to this writer’s heart.

Sitting in a classic car is like being in a time machine. I settle in, close the door and take a deep breath. Is it really 2015? With my eyes closed and The Four Seasons playing on the radio, it sure feels like 1963 to me. A well-maintained classic car is not only timeless, it can do wonders for my love life as well. Without automatic door locks, I’ll exude a gentlemanly vibe as I unlock and open the passenger door for my date.

With any luck, she’ll repay the favour by scooting over to unlock the driver’s door for me. And in a classic car with a front bench seat, my squeeze can sit closer to me, making the drive a romantic one. Neither of these scenarios would be possible in a modern automobile. I love the latest vehicles, but I feel an even deeper bond with classic cars.

Jeremy claims he’s old-fashioned, but his better half has concluded that he’s just “jer-eatric” at heart.

More: classic