Does she have the teething blues?

It’s an exciting development milestone, but teething can also bring a lot of discomfort for Baby. Here’s what you can expect as her chompers make their grand entrance.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

You’ve noticed a few changes in your little one lately. She’s drooling more, she’s developed a rash on her chin, and her gums look red and inflamed. She’s also fond of putting things in her mouth, and she seems grumpier or more unsettled than normal. It could be that Baby is teething. When she was born, she had a full set of 20 teeth hidden in her gums. But now that she’s a few months old, her tiny tooth buds are starting to push through, causing her gums to swell.

The signs are here

Teething usually occurs between five and six months, although in some cases, it can start as early as three months or even as late as 12 months, says Mitch Mahler, director of training and education at Hyland’s, a long-standing US brand known for its line of natural medicines. The most common symptoms include increased drooling as a result of excess saliva flow. A side effect of this is chapping, redness or rashes around her mouth and chin. Some babies may also cough from the excess saliva. Painful gums are another major symptom. When a tooth pushes up to the surface, it puts pressure on the gums, causing the already tender tissue to become inflamed. Sometimes, small blisters or eruption cysts may show up. The dull ache is not confined to the gums. As the gums, ears and cheeks share nerve pathways, you may find your child pulling her ears or rubbing her cheeks or chin in an attempt to relieve the discomfort.

Biting, chewing or sucking on toys or fingers also helps soothe the soreness – which is why she will put whatever she can find into her mouth. Naturally, all the pain and discomfort translates to a crankier baby. She may have difficulty sleeping, and she may also refuse to feed because the sucking motion only worsens the ache.

It is important to know that these symptoms may precede the appearance of teeth by two or three months. “What can vary between babies is the level of intensity at which all these symptoms occur,”Mitch points out. “Some of them have extremely red cheeks, some are extra irritable and fussy, yet others have hardly any visible signs at all and get through the whole process with very little trouble.” Fever is not generally associated with teething, although some babies do experience a high temperature. To rule out any illnesses, it is best to consult your child’s paediatrician if she has a fever.

Ease the pain

Teething can be a difficult time for both babies and parents. In addition to giving your little one plenty of kisses and cuddles, Mitch offers these solutions to make the process a little more bearable: Cold, frozen and hard teething rings These can help numb Baby’s gums and soothe any inflamed spots. Just remember to stay clear of products made with Bisphenol A or phthalates (BPA), compounds found in some plastics that are believed to have long-term unhealthy side effects.

If she doesn’t like them cold, you can still use a teething ring at room temperature.

Numbing gels There are many numbing gels available, but Mitch warns against those containing the ingredient benzocaine, which has a numbing effect on the gums. “The danger of a baby having numb gums is that she will not be able to latch onto her mother’s nipple properly when breastfeeding,” he explains. “Other concerns with benzocaine are that it can numb the throat, which can affect her gag reflex. It can also cause methaemoglobinaemia, a serious condition that causes oxygen in the blood to drop to dangerously low levels. This condition starves the tissue of oxygen, leading to some serious side effects.”

Painkillers Before giving your baby any painkillers, it is important to consult her paediatrician, Mitch advises. Do also be careful, as it is very easy to overdose on such products. “Some doctors might recommend acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but one painkiller to completely avoid is aspirin,” he says. “Aspirin must not be used by anyone under the age of 19. Do not give this to any infant. Do not even rub it on your baby’s gums.”

fast relief

You can also try Hyland’s Baby teething products, which have been available for over 60 years and are made from a natural formula.

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Hyland’s Baby Teething Tablets ($19.90) are quick-dissolving tablets that melt instantly in a baby’s mouth upon contact with saliva.

Hyland’s Baby Teething Gel ($15.90) is administered directly to the gums for on-the-spot relief of teething pain.

Both products contain the same active ingredients:

• Calcarea phosphorica, which supports teeth formation.

• Chamomilla, for irritability commonly associated with teething pain.

• Coffea Cruda, to aid insomnia.

Hyland’s products are available at Guardian outlets. For more information, visit Always check with your pediatrician before using any medication on your child.