Grin and Bear It

Is he teething? ELISA CHIA finds out what you can expect during this often uncomfortable milestone and how to keep your baby’s teeth healthy.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Is he teething? ELISA CHIA finds out what you can expect during this often uncomfortable milestone and how to keep your baby’s teeth healthy.
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How long does it take for my baby’s teeth to appear?

Most babies get their first tooth when they are about six to seven months old, and are likely to have a complete set when they turn 2½ years old, according to Dr Lee Leing, a dental surgeon at Raffles Dental.

Genes play a part in how fast your child’s teeth grow. The first tooth can erupt as early as four months, or as late as a year. If your baby hasn’t had his first tooth by 16 to 18 months, do take him to a dentist.

My baby keeps drooling and biting whatever he gets hold of. Is this a sign of teething?

Babies start drooling when they turn two months old, but it isn’t entirely caused by teething. They don’t often develop full control of swallowing and mouth muscles till they are about two years old.

Besides drooling, teething usually occurs with few other signs, like irritability and biting. The gums may feel sore and painful, Dr Lee adds.

When molars erupt, they tend to cause more discomfort as they are larger. You may find your baby rubbing his cheek or ears. That said, some babies experience no problems during teething.

How do I soothe his discomfort?

You can rub sore gums with a clean finger brush (from baby-care stores), or wrap a soft towel over your finger. Not only does this provide relief, it also cleans your baby’s mouth and makes it easier to introduce tooth-brushing later. It’s never too early to introduce good dental-care habits. 

You can also let him gnaw on chilled teething toys (not frozen) to help relieve discomfort. Excessive drooling can irritate the skin, so wipe his mouth and chin regularly, Dr Lee reminds.

If your little one is feeling irritable because of sore gums, you may offer him paracetamol, but check with your paediatrician first.

Teething gel is another alternative, but buy one that doesn’t contain benzocaine – the topical anaesthetic is not safe for babies to swallow. Benzocaine is associated with methaemoglobinaemia, a rare but serious complication, which limits the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen.

Does teething cause fever?

Not directly. If fever occurs, it’s more likely because of his frequent hand-to-mouth movements to alleviate gum soreness – they increase the chances of transmission of viruses and bacteria, which cause cold or flu-like symptoms.

Why should I bother with a cleaning routine?

Baby teeth will fall out anyway. Baby teeth are important because they help to hold the space needed for their permanent successors. Early loss can result in drifting of neighbouring teeth into the space, causing misalignment of permanent teeth.

When a child loses many baby teeth, he may have problems pronouncing certain words. And without baby molar teeth, he can’t chew solid foods properly.

Some children who are more selfconscious may feel afraid to smile if they have grossly decayed or missing baby teeth. As a result, their self-esteem suffers, Dr Lee explains. As long as I’m not giving my child candy, I don’t have to worry about him getting cavities. That’s not true. Foods like milk, biscuits and fruit juice also cause cavities, Dr Lee points out. Good oral hygiene habits are important to keep decay at bay.

When should I introduce toothpaste?

Brushing his teeth with water will suffice initially. If you choose to use toothpaste, get one that doesn’t contain fluoride. Once he is about three years old and able to spit, you can start using a fluoride toothpaste. Get him into the habit of brushing twice a day, and flossing, if possible, for teeth that are close together.

Why do I need to take my toddler to the dentist?

The American Dental Association recommends that parents schedule a child’s first dental visit by the time he is one year old. If not, when he turns three.

The intention is to check on his oral development, as well as to help reinforce proper hygiene habits. The first visit is usually an introduction for your toddler. It’s good to take along his toothbrush or finger brush, so the dentist can show you how to clean his teeth.

During subsequent visits every six months, get simple procedures done, such as tooth polishing. Regular visits at a young age help your toddler feel less nervous about having to visit the dentist when he actually needs treatment – for example, if he has suffered a blow to his teeth by accident, or has cavities that need to be attended to.