This couple gave into their passion and design preferences to achieve a home that is both aesthetically pleasing and practical.

This couple gave into their passion and design preferences to achieve a home that is both aesthetically pleasing and practical.

A couple in their 50’s and 60’s
A Good Class Bungalow off Holland Road
25,000 sqf (land area); 22,000 sqf (gross floor area)

When it came to the design of their abode, the homeowners decided on a tabula rasa approach when they bought the property – partly because the existing house was old, but more importantly, they had a clear vision as to what kind of home they wanted to build.
Coming from an engineering background, the husband appreciates the inherent beauty of an efficient structure. “This home is like a box on a raft foundation and it was very easy to construct,” he says. He also wanted as few columns as possible in order to open up the internal spaces, complementing this with full-height fenestrations and an architectural language of clean, simple lines.

As avid ballroom dancers, one particular space in the home was designed around their shared passion for dancing – the ballroom. Tucked in the basement, the space can also accommodate dinner parties that spill over to the garden and pool area.
The homeowners enjoy hosting, and regularly organise dinner gatherings with their loved ones. In the evening, the candlelit dining table is accompanied by the glow of garden lamps surrounding the property.
Photography VERNON WONG Art Direction YEW XIN YI