What sparks WOHA Architects associate, designer, artist and sky gardener Jonathan Choe’s imagination? He shares nuggets of his personal beliefs, guilty pleasures and what drives him on.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

What is your personal design style?

I like to let each design challenge present its own style, depending on the unique circumstances. Generally, I like to keep things quite simple and use natural materials, including lots of plants.

Describe your fondest memory as a child

Some of my fondest memories are running around in the forest playing with wild plants and animals as a young kid, and exploring the urban cityscapes of Singapore after moving here later in my childhood.

Name one of your favourite pets

I’ve had many pets over the years and loved all of them dogs, lizards, frogs, hamsters, turtles, snakes, rabbits, and even quail!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

To keep your options open.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I love any preparation of beef, and anything that is sweet and salty.

What natural element inspires you the most and why?

I’m inspired by plants. The amazing natural diversity and atmosphere that they create by growing seemingly out of nothing is just incredible.

Name one cause you will fight for and why

I am passionate about remaking our cities to be friendly for pedestrians and users of active mobility devices, as well as prioritising people over cars - I have never driven one before in my life!

Name one style that you hate and never want to see again…

Any style that is not representative and expressive of the time and place in which it was created.

What would you like to have as your last meal on earth?

I’m half Korean so it would have to be Korean barbecue; our family has had it for special occasions since I was a kid and it’s still my favourite. I even designed a custom BBQ table for the roof terrace at my apartment.

Which room in the house do you spend the most time in and why?

I love hanging out on my garden roof terrace. I don’t like to be indoors!

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but have never summoned the courage to?

Put on an art exhibition.

What is one thing you have had to learn the hard way?

How to handle the complexities and insane pace of managing a building project from start to finish.