If manners maketh the man, where courtesy can elevate a man above his coarser brethren, so it is that it’s the details that define a wellmade piece of furniture, especially in an age where we are desperately trying to revive the art of craftsmanship.

If manners maketh the man, where courtesy can elevate a man above his coarser brethren, so it is that it’s the details that define a wellmade piece of furniture, especially in an age where we are desperately trying to revive the art of craftsmanship. This is beautifully demonstrated in Tomas Maier’s last home collection for Bottega Veneta, in which he cleverly balances texture, design and functionality in a series of lighting elements, as well as tables and chairs. Seen here is a dining room setting in the brand’s new maison at Madison Avenue in New York. The dramatic largescale chandelier (60cm across and 35cm in height) is cast in brushed bronze using the lost wax technique, creating a tactile intrecciato texture, which has become a hallmark of the lauded leather goods specialist.
The new Bottega Veneta home collection can be viewed at www.bottegaveneta.com/sg.


Interior Stylist
“The use of a gray & blush pink palette is popular among homeowners as it creates a modern, yet soft & inviting touch. What’s more, these new and ontrend colours can work harmoniously together in a classic or contemporary home as well. However, be careful because one can tire of colour easily, so I would recommend using the more neutral Trojan Gray as a base for the larger upholstered items in the room, such as sectional sofas or armchairs. This can be extended to adding gray or gray and white throws, with a mix of black and white cushions. You can also add a touch of beige to the ensemble to bring the whole look together.”