Shower in comfort without having to worry about fluctuating water temperatures, and save water and energy at the same time.

Shower in comfort without having to worry about fluctuating water temperatures, and save water and energy at the same time.

Frustrated over sudden changes in water temperature when you shower? Traditional instant water heater models produce varying temperatures of water. This often occurs when other taps are turned on while you’re showering, causing the water temperature to rise due to a lower flow rate. Most traditional instant water heaters take a while to reach the desired temperature, which amounts to water and electricity wastage over time.
Ariston has just launched the latest technology – allowing you to shower with your desired temperature, every time. Ariston is the first to launch constant-temperature smart technology in water heating in its electric instant water heater Aures series, that keeps the temperature constant regardless of water flow rate and surrounding environmental temperatures, saving water and energy.
The high-quality heaters are equipped with sensors which allow the system to measure and regulate water temperature. Its anti-scalding system has sensors which notify users when water temperatures get too high. Users can also preset desired temperatures.
Designed by Italian firm UP Design, Ariston’s electric instant water heaters have a clean, sleek profile, and soft-touch buttons, and can easily complement modern, beautifully designed bathrooms.

The new series of Ariston Aures electric instant water heaters can be purchased from all authorised dealers, available from $199. To see the full range of Ariston products, visit the Ariston authorised retailers, or