Interior Design Confederation Singapore (IDCS) Design Excellence Awards 2018/2019 Designer of the Year award recipient, Mike Lim, shares his thoughts about the winning project, Our Tampines Hub (OTH), and the key to the success of large-scale projects.

Our design was driven by the need to create opportunities for inclusivity, richness and new synergies of communal and social settings for Tampines residents. The idea of connectivity is also reflected in how different materials and textures are woven together in the elevated streetscapes and green terraces.
As OTH is largely a public space, the materials and finishes used had to be resilient and low-cost, yet still aesthetically pleasing. And with such a large-scale project, we had to integrate smart technology like apps and infocomm systems to aid in wayfinding. Ultimately, these relate back to how people-centric OTH is.
To avoid saturating the Tampines neighbourhood with another retail-driven concept, our design took a bottomup approach. We involved different stakeholders such as public agencies and residents of varying demographics and had them weigh in on the design process. The differing needs, design principles and expectations meant we had to ensure the design had an overall cohesiveness. Thus, we focused on creating synergy. As OTH is made up of different programme clusters, we uniquely intended for them to relate to one another.
Right from the get-go, the vision for OTH was that it would be an integrated hub serving the Tampines community. The brief also required that we engage with all 12 public agency stakeholders as well as the residents. This had never been done before in Singapore, and the design process we adopted – what we termed “participatory design” – was naturally unorthodox too.
With its many stakeholders and the participation of residents, the project was not a walk in the park. To understand everyone’s needs and wants, we had focus group sessions that involved an extensive and intensive residents’ engagement process. We also went through platforms created by the People’s Association for discussion and decision-making with a dedicated joint committee made up of representatives from each stakeholder.
Also crucial to the whole process was a key alignment exercise that took place early on in the project. It allowed us and all stakeholders to identify and reconcile overlapping and/or conflicting needs, and collectively set out the larger objectives as well as the purpose of the project upfront.
People are the core of DP’s philosophy – whether they are end users, industry partners, clients or contractors. Collaboration is what makes up our cultural DNA, so our ability to listen, understand and execute was a definite advantage.
From the design concept to the delivery, it was a familiar but nonetheless exciting collaborative process. It involved three of DP’s specialist arms – DP Architects, DP Design and DP Green, our landscape architects. Together, we function as a multidisciplinary design studio that offers an interdisciplinary approach. What this means is that communication channels are always open between our teams. As interior designers and interior architects, this open engagement enables us to understand the aim of the larger architectural scheme and allows our designs to complement the purpose of the space.
Each development we have been involved in has a function unique unto itself. For example, OTH is an integrated sports and community hub for the residents of Tampines, while Resorts World Sentosa is an integrated resort that features hyper-mixed uses on a mega scale that serves to boost Singapore’s tourism industry. The Dubai Mall and Abu Dhabi Tower similarly function as destinations in themselves for Middle Eastern tourism, but the basis of all these projects is that the spaces are intended for the people, albeit for different enduser groups.
Their success then lies in how they were designed with the end users in mind. What is fundamental in this is how our design takes into consideration the site and cultural relevance, and this is, in turn, articulated through design detailing and nuances. For example, various sections of the OTH library were designed to relate to specific age groups of readers, while The Dubai Mall has four differentiated shopping “streets” that each cater to their respective target consumers and deliver unique retail experiences. The choice of material and application of textures then plays a key role in realising these spaces.
I am honoured by the recognition. My hope is that this will inspire and encourage my fellow designers to strike out and compete in the international arena. To young designers, I would say: Stay passionate about what you do. Be humble and open to learning. Be relentless in your craft.

The IDCS Design Excellence Awards, supported by Home & Decor, recognises outstanding professional talents in the interior design industry.