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Sensational Slices

Sensational Slices

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Triple-tested - for your success every time.

Lose 2 Kg This Month!

Lose 2 Kg This Month!

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Dropping a dress size has never been easier with our simple two-day diet that promises big results with minimal effort.

The Honour Roll

The Honour Roll

Simply Her

Of the over 30 Swiss rolls we tried, these 11 were the most outstanding.

8 Spooky Recipes For Fright Night

8 Spooky Recipes For Fright Night

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Thrill the kids with these Halloween treats.




The perfect healthy snack, yogurt trumps its sugar-loaded twin – ice cream – with its good balance of protein, carbs and fat. Yogurts with live, active cultures also contain probiotics to boost gut health and help with gastrointestinal conditions.

The Fresh Way Of Eating

The Fresh Way Of Eating


It’s modern Nordic cuisine, and it’s taking over dining tables everywhere. Driving the new food movement: creative herb combos, healthy ingredients, and memory-making flavours that hit every note, from deliciously delicate to daring and bold.