Bagaar Beauty Awards 2020
Harper's BazaarFrom breakthrough skincare formulas to groundbreaking makeup textures, beauty innovation has pushed forth speedily—especially in these times of pandemic, when self-love and self-care are so essential.

Harper's BazaarAs Covid-19 forced everyone indoors, ex-Straits Times photographer Bryan van der Beek and journalist Serene Goh found themselves outside, volunteering on late-night food drops and essential hand-outs for migrant workers, witnessing firsthand how Singaporeans banded together for a greater good.

Sore Throat Spray Down
Her WorldSore throats often overstay their welcome during the festive season.

Put The WOW Into Your Skin Treatment
Her WorldYou have done your homework looking up the best skin procedure.

Sweet Relief
CLEOFeeling under the weather? Ricola has just introduced a new and improved Natural Relief series of lozenges that promises faster and stronger relief for nose and throat ailments.