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Peace Of Mind

Peace Of Mind

The Peak

Karen Tee drops into Luang Prabang to practise the obscure yoga that keeps Aman’s billionaire CEO Vladislav Doronin focussed.

By The Mighty Mekong

By The Mighty Mekong

The Singapore Women's Weekly

You may not have heard of Luang Prabang, but if you’re looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle, add this UNESCO World Heritage Town to your to-go list for 2019.

Laid Back in Luang Prabang

Laid Back in Luang Prabang

Asia Spa

It is almost impossible to feel stressed in this beautiful UNESCO World Heritage town. The blend of Franco-Asian history, culture and architecture, the glacial pace of life and calm of the Lao people create a retreat of an entire destination, rather than simply hotel or resort retreats. Escape for a long weekend and suddenly deadlines, pressures and plans seem blissfully far away.