Everything You Need To Know About Direct School Admission
Young ParentsIf your kid is good at sports, music or has other talents, the DSA programme may be his key to getting into an elite secondary school or specialised school. Here’s what you should know about the process.

Flying Hye
CLEOAs the K-Wave gathers more momentum and Europeanbased brand Swarovski makes her a global ambassador, Park Shin Hye sits on the cusp of world domination. But while we all know her face, how well do we know her story?

It’s A Boy! It’s A Girl! It’s Twins!
Young ParentsThe stork was certainly busy in 2017. ELISA CHIA rounds up some of the celebrities and influencers who gave birth last year.

Rock that Skype Interview
Her WorldYour next job interview could very likely happen over Skype. But just because you’re doing it in your own space doesn’t mean you can slack off. The experts tell Davelle Lee how to avoid making a major Skype faux pas.

How to Rock a Job Interview
CLEOImpress your future employer with these must-know tips.

Hack your way to your dream Job!
CLEOKick-starting your career after graduation can be intimidating, so we’ve rounded up tips from experts at JobStreet.com and Robert Walters Singapore to help you get the job you’ve always wanted.

Siren Song
CLEOFrom musicals to melodramas, one thing Amanda Seyfried’s proven is that she’s utterly irresistible.