What To Expect In Primary 1
Young ParentsWith no exams in Primary 1 and 2, how do you tell if your kid is up to speed in learning? Here’s what you can do.

The World Is Their Classroom
Young ParentsAmber Yong, the globetrotting supermum of Instagram stars @leialauren, is far from kiasu when it comes to her kids’ preschool education. She shares why.

The No-Tears Guide To Choosing The Right Preschool
Young ParentsChoosing a childcare centre or kindergarten for your little one? Bookmark this step-by-step guide for firsttime parents.

How To Manage The Massive 'No-exams' Changes In Primary 1 & 2
Young ParentsIt's the biggest change to the Singapore school system in decades, and it sounds great – except, how do you tell if your child is learning, and at the right pace? EVELINE GAN fi nds out how you can be sure your child is up to speed in learning.

Young ParentsMapleBear Singapore prepares your children for life and instils in them a passion for learning in their formal school years and beyond.

Two Is Better Than One
Young ParentsIn the first instalment of our new preschool series, EVELINE GAN finds out what you need to consider before you enrol your kid in a bilingual school.

Give Them A Helping Hand
Young ParentsWhether you're looking for Mandarin class or right-brain training, these courses will give your little one a boost in learning.

Lenglish, please
Young ParentsIf you want your toddler to master Mandarin, some preschools offer programmes that immerse your child in the language and culture.

My first class
Young ParentsOne is housed in a heritage building, another is designed to be as cosy as home. LYNN WEE visits new preschools to find out what makes them special.

Choices, choices, choices
Young ParentsUninspired by the preschools you’ve visited so far? Check out the cool offerings at these new centres.