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Is Your Posture  Affecting Your Health?

Is Your Posture Affecting Your Health?

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Standing or sitting correctly has some serious health benefits. This is how you can get good posture (and why you should)

Step Up

Step Up

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Here’s an exercise that can boost your heart, brain and muscles. And all you need is a set of stairs

Your Skin Is What You Put on It

Your Skin Is What You Put on It

Her World

One South Korean luxury skincare brand says its do-it-all serum is the formula for a glowing and beautiful complexion. Here’s why they’ve been backing it for more than 20 years.

Takeaway Danger

Takeaway Danger


Are you getting a side of harmful plastic molecules with your fish soup?

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Menace, hype, or revolution?

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Menace, hype, or revolution?


Some say AI is an existential threat. Others think it can only be a force for good.

7 Rules for Faster Weight Loss

7 Rules for Faster Weight Loss


Dropping extra kilos isn’t always that simple.

What Your Mother’s Health Says About Yours

What Your Mother’s Health Says About Yours

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Want to know how healthy you’ll be in the future? You might want to start by checking out what your mum’s health report card looks like.

How your expressions affect your well-being

How your expressions affect your well-being

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Smiling, squinting and even looking cranky can all have an impact on your health