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Her World Beauty Awards 2020

Her World Beauty Awards 2020

Her World

A total of 155 new products. More than 180 award categories. A panel of 14 dedicated judges. Weeks of non-stop testing.

Power Up Your Skin

Power Up Your Skin

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Supercharge your skincare and makeup regime with the best beauty picks of 2019.

Bounce Off

Bounce Off

The Singapore Women's Weekly

Inspired by ink stamps, these cushion foundations blur out imperfections and give you radiant, glowing skin BY ARISSA HA

Fast friends

Fast friends

Her World

You may have the party stamina of an Energizer bunny, but can your makeup last as long? We’ve done the homework and picked out the most durable foundations, lipsticks, blushers, eyeshadows and eyeliners to keep your makeup looking on fleek – #notouchupsrequired.



Her World

Multifunction makeup just got smarter. They come as sticks – the most hassle-free form – have super-creamy or powderymatte textures that enable them to be applied on various parts of the face, and feature uncommon or unique usage combinations. CARINA KOH checks out these new hybrids.

Best Beauty Buys

Best Beauty Buys

The Singapore Women's Weekly

It wouldn’t be a stretch to say hundreds of beauty products pass through our desks every week. To find out which beauty buys are worth investing in for the new year, The Weekly team, along with industry professionals and influencers, rubbed, scrubbed and dabbed our way to determining the best By Elizabeth Lee.