With her winning turn as Asia’s Next Top Model, Jiratchaya “Tawan” Kedkong puts a whole new spin on Asian beauty. Here, she shares the spotlight with runners-up Patricia Gunawan and Kim Sang In. Gerald Tan discovers the true stories behind the three pretty faces...
From the metallic shine of mesh dresses to the power of primary bold separates, celebrate spring/summer 2019 with unapologetically sexy, feminine and empowering fashion for today’s glamazons.
With her winning turn as Asia’s Next Top Model, Jiratchaya “Tawan” Kedkong puts a whole new spin on Asian beauty. Here, she shares the spotlight with runners-up Patricia Gunawan and Kim Sang In. Gerald Tan discovers the true stories behind the three pretty faces...
From the metallic shine of mesh dresses to the power of primary bold separates, celebrate spring/summer 2019 with unapologetically sexy, feminine and empowering fashion for today’s glamazons.
With her winning turn as Asia’s Next Top Model, Jiratchaya “Tawan” Kedkong puts a whole new spin on Asian beauty. Here, she shares the spotlight with runners-up Patricia Gunawan and Kim Sang In. Gerald Tan discovers the true stories behind the three pretty faces...