Five Healthy Packed Lunches
Her WorldSwop the greasy takeout for a lunchbox and eat clean al-desko with these chef-endorsed (read: really yummy) recipes. They take a little effort, but they’re worth it – we promise.

ShapeThis quick and easy style of homemade soup is genius: Place vegetables, noodles or grains, protein and seasonings in a glass jar, take it to work, stash it in the fridge, and at lunchtime add boiling water. The result is a hearty and healthy midday meal that’s ready in minutes. Elana Karp, head chef for the meal-kit company Plated and a co-author of the new Plated cookbook, shares three versions you’ll want to spoon up.

Put it to the test
The Singapore Women's WeeklyWith the power of pressure, this melt-in-your-mouth recipe courtesy of The Meatmen, can be served up in no time at all.

Chinese New Year Special
The Singapore Women's WeeklyHere’s a feast specially prepared to help every Chinese zodiac sign embrace good health, peace and prosperity