The air-con is considered essential to most households. Here’s how to keep it in the pink of health.

When you imagine a dream home, the air-conditioning unit is not necessarily among the things that come to mind. That is because the appliance’s duty is to be a silent hero; an excellent unit works silently and effortlessly to provide cool and clean indoor air. Hence, an unpleasant odour emitting from the air-con is a sign that your hero might be in poor health and in need of a check-up.
SD Aircon provides regular cleaning as well as chemical washes. The latter involves the spraying of special chemicals that will penetrate the air-con to remove the root causes of mould and dust, as well as the washing and rinsing of the unit. The company also prides itself on doing these in a timely manner, and without mess. Its services include covering clients’ furniture and electrical appliances before starting on the air-con units.
SD Aircon advises not to wait too long before scheduling your next maintenance. Regular maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your air-con, it reduces the bill and ensures a healthy and comfortable household, too.