This Month… Persevere in Love

What’s in it for the stars?

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
What’s in it for the stars?
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Horses like Park bo Young. the baby-faced 26- year-old debuted on a small TV drama The King and I, at a young age of 17. Fast forward a decade later, she is paid 1,000 times more shooting the drama Oh My Ghostess compared to when she started.

My Reading Room

Roosters like Jennifer aniston. the actress was more than an hour late to the premier of her comedy film Mother’s Day. She was greeted with jeers from the fans for being “fashionably” late, and also displeasing her co-stars. 

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Things may get extremely volatile. Tread lightly and be flexible with your surroundings. Be well aware of illicit activities which might surface; stay clear of any you encounter. It may be a bad month for investments and bringing the bread home can get tough. Lay low for now and persevere.

My Reading Room

Problems will surface one by one throughout the month. More effort is needed as you need to pay attention to even the tiniest of details. The desire to focus on other people may be pressing, try to focus on the task on hand. Wealth luck might be bad but an eventful love life will make up for it. 

My Reading Room

Rejoice – your woes will slowly disappear this month! Put forth your big plans and follow your gut instinct when you do it. When in need of support, unleash the fiery charisma in you to get people on your side. You may have good luck when you look for new love interests this month.

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Be prepared for waves of unhappiness that will come this month. Although there will be nay sayers, have faith in yourself and let the results of your hard work speak for itself. Be understanding when dealing with your partner and try to take a step back to look at the bigger picture.

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High levels of stress will come unto you as challenges at work get harder to handle. You might want to help others but focus on doing your job. Keep track of what you spend on as you may splurge unnecessarily. It’s time to strengthen family ties and communicate better with them.

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There are numerous people who will help you with work as they take a liking to you. Problems will be resolved swiftly and you need to make quick, boss-like decisions in order to get what you want. Remember to always pace your spending and take care of your health by not drinking so much.

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You will be very lucky with networking this month. Meeting new people will be easy and will be beneficial. it is also a good time to make peace with that person from the office who always manages to hit a nerve. It is also a good time to take things one step further with your loved one.

My Reading Room

It will be a confusing month for you so clarification is key. Make sure you receive clear instructions from your bosses before you implement anything. Pen down reminders to help yourself stay on top of your work. It may be tough but try to be the bigger person when fighting with your loved one. 

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Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Always ensure that you have a plan b for all the things that you do. Be ready to spend a little more than usual and avoid making new investments. Prepare something special for your loved ones to show them that they are appreciated.

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Work is getting more and more unstable therefore being meticulous will save you from trouble. Your past issues may re-surface to bother you. It may be time to increase security and awareness of your house and your belongings as you may be a good target for predators.

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Things will somehow fall into the right places this month. Many opportunities will open up for you. With your creativity at its peak, make the effort to push for the things that you need for success. Wealth is superb! New romantic interests will come into your life this month. 

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This month, results will prove that just a little bit of effort goes a long way. Stay humble and show gratitude towards your mentors. You will come across good wealth, therefore make good investments to ensure a bountiful return! Your relationship with your loved one will remain strong.

More: things month