How To Be A Better Listener

Being a good listener takes more than simply staying quiet while another person speaks. Here’s some expert advice

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Being a good listener takes more than simply staying quiet while another person speaks. Here’s some expert advice

My Reading Room

Offer your full attention Stopping what you are doing lets the speaker know you are really paying attention to what she’s saying. If you’re busy, suggest another time when you know you’ll be able to focus on your friend.

Empathise Consider the other person’s needs and vulnerabilities rather than your own. Listen without judgements, avoid giving unsolicited advice and don’t bring the focus back to you.

Show you understand Validate what they are saying and feeling by making statements such as, ‘It makes sense that you feel this way’. You don’t need to agree with what the speaker is saying, but responding can help her feel better understood.

More: saying