Bring your stress down to size

Take a breather, and get used to that chill feeling, because you’re going to be experiencing it a lot now that experts have developed a new way to block out tension.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
<b>PHOTO</b> 123RF.COM
<b>PHOTO</b> 123RF.COM

Take a breather, and get used to that chill feeling, because you’re going to be experiencing it a lot now that experts have developed a new way to block out tension. “We call it cognitive jujitsu,” says Hans Hagemann, a co-author of the new book The Leading Brain: Powerful Science-Based Strategies for Achieving Peak Performance. It works like this: When you feel anxious, don’t suppress it. Describe it – angry, overloaded, pressured, says co-author Friederike Fabritius. The mere act of labelling your state of mind forces you to use the prefrontal cortex of your brain, which is the more rational and analytical part, they explain, thereby taming the stress-fuelled emotional limbic system. Practise it, and peace out.