You Should Sleep In on Weekends

That’s the word from scientists at the University of Chicago. After a stretch of crummy sleep – less than 4½ hours a night for four consecutive nights – study participants’ insulin sensitivity decreased by 23 percent, which increased their risk of diabetes. But when they subsequently banked two good nights of rest – almost 10 hours of Z’s each – their insulin sensitivity returned to normal. So allow yourself a luxurious weekend reboot after a sleep-starved week, says researcher Josiane Broussard. Just as long as you don’t make this game of catch-up a habit.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
That’s the word from scientists at the University of Chicago. After a stretch of crummy sleep – less than 4½ hours a night for four consecutive nights – study participants’ insulin sensitivity decreased by 23 percent, which increased their risk of diabetes. But when they subsequently banked two good nights of rest – almost 10 hours of Z’s each – their insulin sensitivity returned to normal. So allow yourself a luxurious weekend reboot after a sleep-starved week, says researcher Josiane Broussard. Just as long as you don’t make this game of catch-up a habit.
My Reading Room

46% The percentage of women who occasionally feel sad after sex, an effect called post-coital dysphoria. One of the possible causes is the abrupt change in hormones and brain chemicals that occurs post-orgasm. The sensation usually lasts five to 30 minutes, though in some cases the feelings can linger for a few hours, says Dr Maureen Whelihan, an ob-gyn in the US. Curling up with your guy can lift your mood, but the best cure is exercise. “Some yoga, a little cardio, or even just stretching helps rebalance your hormones and reduce your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone,” Dr Whelihan explains.

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Meditation + Exercise = 40% Reduction in Symptoms of Depression

That’s the good news from scientists at Rutgers University in the US – and it also applies to bouts of the blues in people without clinical depression.

“Other studies have shown that both aerobic exercise and mental-training exercises similar to meditation promote an increase in the number of new neurons in the hippocampus, an area in the brain that helps regulate mood,” explains Tracey Shors, a co-author of the study.

The participants did 30 minutes of each twice a week. Try a guided meditation from the Calm app (from $9.99 a month, Google Play and iTunes store) before your workout. Tracey says that shorter sessions would most likely offer some benefit.

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Playing dirty

If Junior has been falling ill a lot, his toys may be to blame. In a study by Georgia State University in the US, researchers found that certain viruses can survive on plastic squeak toys for up to 24 hours after they get contaminated. “People don’t really think about getting viruses from inanimate objects,” says lead author Richard Bearden.

“They think about getting them from other people. Children are vulnerable to contracting infectious disease because they put their hands and foreign objects in their mouths, and their immune systems aren’t fully developed.” Keep your tot safe by using household bleach to disinfect toys, especially if they’re shared, suggests Richard.

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A dose of nature

Cutting your risk of depression and high blood pressure is as easy as taking a walk in the park – literally. According to findings of a new study by Australia’s University of Queensland, spending just 30 minutes in green spaces can lower stress and anxiety levels, and reduce your risk of developing heart disease or mental health issues.