Your all-natural confidence booster

Nature has an amazing way of convincing you that you’re cool. According to a recent study by Viren Swami, a professor of social psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, just getting outside more often has a huge, positive impact on your body pride.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
My Reading Room

Nature has an amazing way of convincing you that you’re cool. According to a recent study by Viren Swami, a professor of social psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, just getting outside more often has a huge, positive impact on your body pride. One reason: Spending an afternoon in a wild landscape helps you focus on what your body can do for you, rather than what it looks like, which allows you to appreciate it more. For the biggest benefit, make a point of immersing yourself in the beautiful outdoors for a few hours at least once a week, no matter the weather, with activities like nature walks or runs, biking or kayaking. You’ll feel stronger, happier and healthier.