Gut Protection

Yes, you can ward off colorectal cancer. Just adopt these simple habits.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Yes, you can ward off colorectal cancer. Just adopt these simple habits.
My Reading Room

Fact: In Singapore, colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer among women, and the most prevalent type among men. According to the Health Promotion Board, most cases of colorectal cancer start as little growths – called polyps – that attach to the wall of one’s colon. Over time, these polyps can turn cancerous.

While there’s no sure-fire way to prevent the big C, tweaking your lifestyle can reduce your chances of getting the dreaded disease. Dr Dennis Koh, consultant surgeon at Mount Elizabeth Hospital, and Dr Dean Koh, colorectal surgeon at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, share four easy changes you can make.

Skip processed meat

When choosing what to have for dinner, you might be better off with chicken breasts compared to a steak or sausages. There have been many epidemiological studies that associate a greater intake of red or processed meat with an increase in colorectal cancer.

Any form of processed meat increases the risk of cancer, as carcinogens are produced when the meat is cooked at high temperatures or by charcoal grilling. Furthermore, the nitrates and salts that are used in preparing processed meat lead to carcinogenic compounds being formed.

Overall, there’s no harm in reducing your meat intake. Replace red and processed meats with fish and poultry, or see meat as a side dish rather than as a main course.

Load up on garlic

Several population studies have shown an association between increased garlic intake and a reduced risk of certain cancers, including colorectal. Still, it’s important to note that these studies were based on different preparation methods and dosages of garlic.

According to the US National Cancer Institute, garlic is recognised as one of the vegetables with potential anti-cancer properties. For starters, stick to the World Health Organization’s recommendation of eating 2g to 5g of fresh garlic (approximately one clove) each day.

Get your daily dose of D

Previous studies have shown that vitamin D helps to reduce cell proliferation and stimulate death in cancer cells. It has also been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect. The good news is that Singaporean women generally do not lack vitamin D, thanks to our year-round tropical climate (we can increase our D levels through skin exposure to some ultraviolet radiation). If you’d still like to boost your D levels, you can also opt for vitamin D-fortified bread or milk.

Move it, move it

Beyond just being linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer, regular exercise has also been proven to reduce risks and mortality rates of other cancers. The other benefits: keeping your heart healthy, lowering the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, and strengthening your bones, muscles and joints.

For starters, aim to clock 300 minutes of moderate activity or 150 minutes of vigorous exercise each week.

Simple ways to incorporate more movement into your day include taking the stairs, taking public transport, and purposely parking slightly farther away from your destination if you drive.