Don’t forget scalp protection

Although it’s partially shielded by your hair, your scalp does require attention, particularly if you’re going to be under harsh sunlight for prolonged periods.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Although it’s partially shielded by your hair, your scalp does require attention, particularly if you’re going to be under harsh sunlight for prolonged periods.
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“In certain individuals, the unprotected skin exposed at the parting, hairline or hair-thinning areas is as much at risk as anywhere else on the body,” says Dr Low Chai Ling, medical director at Th e Sloane Clinic.

You could wear a hat or stay in the shade, but there actually are sunscreens made for the scalp. “You can also apply an oil-free spray-on sunscreen to the hair roots and scalp for protection,” adds Dr Low.

More: scalp