Standing Up to Adult Bullies

It’s a cruel world and some people can get real nasty. Here’s how to deal with them.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
It’s a cruel world and some people can get real nasty. Here’s how to deal with them. 
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From relentless sarcasm from a colleague to physical intimidation from a partner, we've all encountered bullies at some point of our lives. According to communication coach Preston Ni, if you have to interact with a bully, avoid being reactive and keep cool by taking slow, long breaths or even imagine your aggressor as a cabbage head if it helps. Some scenarios may require a no-nonsense assertive approach, while some are better handled by ignoring the bully's attacks altogether. In any case, keep your emotions in check and don't let the bully get the better of you. Neutralising their home court advantage can also help, so reduce their sense of dominance by suggesting a new location to talk. 

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“If I see something really nasty on Twitter, I will usually delete it or block the person because I don’t want to see that every day...” – Kendall Jenner

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The makeup guru launched this anti-bullying Instagram campaign and shared stories of people who turned their bullying experiences into something positive.Attagirl.

Kylie Jenner @kyliejenner 

More: bully