How to check your breasts for lumps

Stand in front of a mirror and look for any visible changes in your breasts and nipples.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
My Reading Room

1. Stand in front of a mirror and look for any visible changes in your breasts and nipples. Turn slowly from side to side. Repeat the process with your arms by your side, with your arms raised, and with your hands on your hips. 

2. Lie down and place a pillow under your shoulder. Extend your elbow out and place that hand under your head. 

3. With your opposite hand, use your index, middle, and ring finger to apply light, medium, and firm pressure on your breast. 

4. Make sure to feel your underarm too, starting from the hollow of your armpit to your breast using small circular motions. 

5. Repeat for the other side. 

6. Feel your breasts when you’re standing up in the shower. Raise your arm and, using your free hand, feel around the entire breast area.

What you should be looking out for: 

1. Lumps, swelling, or thickening.

2. Changes in the size and shape of your breast.

3. Changes in the skin texture.

4. Redness or rashes.

5. Changes in the nipples, like inversion or retraction.

6. Nipple discharge.

More: breast